Farm Cam Safe & Efficent Farming
FarmCam Safe & Efficent Farming Easy to use wireless camera to keep an eye on your animals from the comfort of your own home, as well as being viewed on your mobile device.
£ 420.00Provitamin sheep drench 2.5L
ProVitaMin is an ultra-concentrated oral drench containing 24 broad spectrum elements to improve performance in sheep. Treats 350 adult sheep
£ 102.00Volac Calf Volostrum - 450g
A colostrum substitute, high in protein and energy recommended for use when adequate supplies of good quality colostrum are unavailable. When mixed with 0.5 litresof warm water it will make up 1 calf feed and should be given as soon as possible after birth, preferably within 6 hours.
£ 16.50